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The ex-Carnie Weblog

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Jun '14

I’ve moved to China!!

Well if you haven’t heard, it is true. I’m working for a show called “The Han Show” and it will be located in Wuhan China. Right now I’m spending a lot of time in a city called LangFang because that is where the training and rehearsals are taking place until we take possession of the theatre. Watch here for more updates!


Jun '10

for Xiang Guannan

My friend, I know you are struggling. Hang in there, be strong, I know it will get better. Remember what we chatted about, it is YOUR life and only YOURS.

I will upload pictures soon.

you dian xiangni

Aug '08

This one takes the Cake

Apparently it seems that a local restaurant in preparation for the Beijing Olympics went to an online translation service to tanslate their outside sign. They had it translated and you’ve just got to love it, Sign


P.S. I am in Sydney again and have just been too busy to catch up on Blogging, soon I promise.

May '08


Hello All,

Well if you didn’t know I went to Bejing again, this time for a week’s vacation. I really didn’t do a whole lot of sightseeing other than going to the Great Wall again but overall I had a great time.

It was a nice relaxing vacation and it was great to see my friends.

So I’m back in Fukuoka now until I head to Sydney on the 18th of June. I will try to write a little more often and I’ve also got to put some photos up in the gallery.


May '08

Back in Japan

Hello All,

Just a quick little note. I am not in China right now. I am back in Japan and have been for a while. Sorry I didn’t update this site yet. I am heading back there on the 22nd hopefully though!!!

Tonight I fly to Tokyo to meet my youngest brother, Andrew, there for two days to do some sightseeing and so on and then I’m back in Fukuoka on the Friday morning.


Apr '08

Beijing Again

Hello Everyone,

Well I’m back in Beijing again. Dralion has finished in Tokyo and Fuji Television is moving the tent from Tokyo to Fukuoka so I have 5 days off and since I was so close I decided to come back and see my friends over here. Thankfully I’m here now and not in a couple of months because I think it is going to truly CRAZY around here once the Olympics really start swinging into full speed.

Already the construction of buildings and infrastructure is going like mad. I’m interested to hear how the Chinese do, if they can finish it all or if they’ll be behind???

Today I was treated to a nice meal at a Barbecue restaurant by the former Diabolo girls. It was a nice meal and then I got to go watch them and their school train for about 1-1/2 sessions. It was a lot of fun and hopefully some of the pictures will come out nice to be able to share in the gallery.

I hope everyone is doing okay. I’ll be back in Fukuoka on the 12th, right now my skype phone number (630-448-4971) is forwarding to my friend Jenny’s cell here in China if anyone needs to get a hold of me.


Mar '08


Hello Everyone.

I was sitting in the office today and I experienced my first earth quake. The office just started moving a little and my friend was like, he is that….

Sure enough it was a small earthquake, it was kind of really cool.

Mar '08


Hello everyone,

I am now in Tokyo and all is going fine. I arrived a couple of days ago and have started working on my jet lag and working on Dralion.

We’re busy at work of course and that is good but just getting thrown into the mix right away is fine but hard when you are trying to get over jet lag also :)

My skype phone number is up and running fine, 630-448-4971, use it if you need to get a hold of me. Also please don’t forget I’m on the other side of the world now so please check what time it is here when you call.


Feb '08


Hello everyone,

Some of you may know already but for those that don’t today, this morning, at 10:33am Olivia Anne Graham was born to Kelly and Andrew. She weighed in at 8lbs 4oz and was 20.5″ long. Andrew says she was “hairy, loud and beautiful”. I’ve spoken to him a little while ago and Mom and baby are doing very well. Andrew sounded a little tired but definitely happy.

I can’t wait to see her soon.

On another note, I will be home (in Chicago) from February 22nd until the 25th. I hope I can catch up with some of you all.

Jan '08

New Pictures

Hello everyone,

I have recently uploaded some pictures from my trip this summer to the Great Barrier Reef, specifically to the Osprey Reef which is one of the outer reefs. I think I’ve got some land based pictures to upload, the ones there now are all underwater photos, I’ll get the others up soon. It was a totally amazing trip and some of the best diving I’ve done to date. The wildlife and the experience were just wonderful. I hope you enjoy the pictures. The boat I went on was the Undersea Explorer. I’m hoping to get up there again this year at some point.

I’ll hopefully be in Chicago from the 17th of February until the 21st or 22nd and hope I can see some people that I have missed the last couple of times.
